Friday, May 1, 2009

Brooks Alan Hardy is Born

Brooks Alan Hardy is born.  At 7:48 on 4/30/2009, a beautiful Red Headed Baby Boy was born into our family.  We are very excited to have him here with us.  He is doing very well.  Kim did very well also.  She did have to receive a blood transfusion because she was a bit anemic.  We had 4 names going into it.  Brooks, Crew, Seth, and Corbin.  Brooks won, though it was not very democratic.  Most of the Copelans Present were voting for Seth.  Dansie, Jadynn, Maddie wanted Seth.  Hailey wanted Crew, but Dad wanted Brooks.  I had decided a few days ago that if he was born with Red Hair that Brooks would fit the bill.  It turned out to be Red, so any of the rest of you can use Seth.  He was 8 lbs 8 oz and 21 inches long.  His head diameter was 14 1/2 inches.  Here are a few photos to take a peek at.......

1 comment:

Becky and Matt said...

He is SO Cute! I'm so glad he made is here safe and sound and that all is well with Kim too. You will love having a boy. They are so much fun. We are so happy for you!