Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We had a great trip at Flaming Gorge. Weather was great. Water was fantastic and nothing got broken, except a few blood vessels in an eye. Dansie Head-Butted her while tubing. It was a really fun way to end the Summer. The Girls (all of them) started School today. Hailey was ready to come home at the end of the day, and she fell asleep about 7PM, but she said that school was very fun and the first thing that she went over with me was all about the rules. Dansie looks very grown up with her new glasses. I am glad that Jadynn and Maddie are there to ride the bus with Hailey. They are very good big sisters. We put an offer on 15 acres for some horse property. We have to rezone it prior to the deal going thru, so it will take until about may. I am hoping that we can do it. I have the barn that I want to build in mind. Here is the link to it.

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